Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

18 May 2016
Cuando escuchaba hablar de bio-construcción me imaginaba que solo era hacer o construir un edificio...
17 May 2016
With preparation as a key factor to success, I began my research for Zimbabwe pre-departure. One of...
17 May 2016
As we leave behind the week that marks our half way point, we can’t help but wonder where our time...
17 May 2016
Our first workshop - a UK volunteers’ perspective On 7 May we conducted our first workshop for our...
17 May 2016
En esta quinta semana de emplazamiento con el grupo en la comunidad ha pasado algo inesperado que...
16 May 2016
Following a fifteen-minute walk through surprisingly beautiful flowering tobacco plants, preceded...
