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Blog: Latest volunteer
Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!
3 June 2015
In the UK, we throw away the equivalent of our body weight in waste every seven weeks. That means...
3 June 2015
Alejandra Sophia Rivera is a Progressio ICS national volunteer. She is 26 years old. Born with...
2 June 2015
Living in Honduras for ten weeks would open the eyes of any average UK consumer. Coming from a...
2 June 2015
So up until now I have been all about the monitoring and evaluating of our project, but not this...
1 June 2015
It is with a great smile that Eveless Thole of Silota Village, Group Village Head Nyirongo,...
1 June 2015
This is a day for talking about women, or more specifically, about those that are mothers. The 30...