Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

10 March 2016
You're probably thinking what on earth have you got yourself in for? Three whole months of your gap...
10 March 2016
One of the main things I worried about when going away for three months was the expected lack of...
10 March 2016
The acrid smell of the hundred chickens in the garden, the smoke of the rubbish that is being...
9 March 2016
A dos semanas de concluir el voluntariado del ciclo 14 estamos muy felices por empezar la...
8 March 2016
While the global gender gap remains immense, and progress toward parity is in many places slowing,...
8 March 2016
A lot of work has gone into the event this morning (6 March) yet as the early sun dawns, we awaken...
