Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

22 July 2015
It’s been brilliant to share experiences with the UK volunteers in the community.  The first day...
21 July 2015
Our preconceptions of Honduras were tainted by what we hear in the news and in documentaries. It is...
15 July 2015
After doing some last minute fundraising and packing, we left for Nicaragua on Sunday. After only...
15 July 2015
Day two into a week-long in-country orientation training in San Salvador and the whole experience...
8 July 2015
The night is closing on my Progressio ICS experience. I flew out to Nicaragua; completed lots of...
7 July 2015
In your final year at university you can be forgiven for thinking that if you don’t want to apply...
