Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

Nicaragua: That continuous feeling

So our stay in El Bramadero is coming to a close and in our time here there has been a lot of empty space. A lot of sitting around waiting, of chatting, thinking and stewing and, apart from the occasional blast of Latin music from the neighbours and the animal noises, there has been a lot of quiet in which to observe and reflect.


Zimbabwe: Human Rights Day - Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always.

What is a right? Let’s talk about what is right and what is wrong. More specifically, let’s talk about Human Rights. Should a person be denied their human right due to the colour of their skin? Their gender? Their sexuality, or even their nationality? The answer is no. 


Malawi: You and me, how your postcode determines your future

Six years ago, at the age of sixteen, I was comfortably living at home with my older sister and two younger brothers. I was fortunate enough to not only have loving parents that supported me financially but who also guided me through my teenage years. Having just started my GCSE’s, I was doing very well at school with the prospect of going to college to further my education. I had a trouble-free life with my main concerns revolving around my friends and boyfriend, that when looking back, felt like serious issues but in actual fact were trivial teenage problems. 


Nicaragua: Evaluación de medio tiempo

En esta sexta semana nuestro líder Andy estuvo de cumpleaños. Lo celebramos visitando bellísimos ríos de la comunidad, llevamos comida, arroz a la valenciana mmmm rico, bailamos la una piñata y disfrutamos nadando en las aguas de los ríos.

Estuvimos en la evaluación de medio tiempo en Estelí, juntamente con el grupo del El Bramadero. Realizamos una actividad de auto-reflexión donde valoramos lo que hemos aprendido, habilidad y conocimientos que hemos adquirido. 


Zimbabwe: Camping Trip: B, R, A, V, O, O, O, BRAVO!

As our three months come to a close at Simukai, we have gotten to know all the children the organisation helps extremely well. Every day the boys living on the street come to the centre for food, cleaning facilities and games/sessions with us. The more time we have spent here the more boys we have seen regularly coming to Simukai, and in celebration of friendships made, we decided to take a two-night camping trip to the bush!


Zimbabwe: Caritas gets really cultured

On 27 November, the team was invited to Sakubva at the Caritas pre-school for their annual graduation; an invitation we could hardly refuse! We quickly learned this was no brief formality to be taken likely, this was an event on a grand scale and would be treated as such. The event hosted two guest speakers, Mr Tondoya and Mr Ngwenya. The festivities continued with an elaborately costumed nativity play, a dance competition for children and parents alike and finally the presentations of the graduation certificates.


Honduras: Meeting with the Ambassador

On Wednesday 25 November, eight Progressio volunteers had the exciting opportunity to head to the capital, Tegucigalpa, for a meeting with the UK Ambassador to Honduras, Caroyln Davidson. During the drive to Tegucigalpa, we all felt a little apprehensive and unsure what to expect from the meeting but also really excited to share stories of our work and experiences in Honduras with such a prominent figure. 


Honduras: My ICS journey - A poem

Sitting wondering what to do

As usual, staring at a screen.

Seemingly there's nothing new

Among my usual Facebook crew,

But then an ad I hadn't seen.


“What will you do with your time?”

Aloud I answer “I don't know!”

I can't help thinking it's a sign,

This experience could be mine,

So I click and there you go.


The process starts and soon I'm there,

Though Wellingborough was in between,

To meet the ones with whom I'll share 

My time abroad, and though I'm scared,

