Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

‬Nicaragua: Volunteers begin reforestation work in La Sabanita

Progressio ICS volunteers in Nicaragua (cycle 11) are taking stock of the situation in La Sabanita, where we will be working for the next eight weeks, and have begun setting out plans to reduce the effects of deforestation and support rural development on the ground.


Nicaragua: First impressions

The UK and Nicaraguan volunteers met for the first time at Ipade. For some, the excitement of meeting their new teammates meant that they could not sleep, but on 21 April, the waiting came to an end and the meeting turned out to be fun. Games were played, and you could see the interest we all had in getting to know one another.


Honduras: Our first week with Predisan

The last week has been incredible, filled with new experiences and opportunities to learn more about Predisan, Progressio’s partner organisation here in Catacamas. We have also learnt about some of the Honduran culture along the way too. Predisan are a Christian organisation which offer holistic healthcare services and operate in many regions across Honduras in lots of different facilities. One of these facilities, CEREPA, is based in Catacamas and is a rehabilitation centre which offers treatments for addiction. This is where Team Catacamas will work from for the next nine weeks.


El Salvador: A new chapter

Personally I feel very proud and at the same time happy to be a part of the great group of volunteers from Progressio ICS.

This is a new chapter in my life, which will greatly help me to develop as a person and at the same time a good chance to share my new ideas that I will acquire during the process.  This programme is giving me the opportunity to understand the importance of sustaining a healthy environment in order to improve standards of living in the community.


Honduras: First day at school again

We arrived in Tegucigalpa on 19 April, it has been a long journey since we left from London Heathrow. We went to CEHDE (a training centre) in Santa Lucia after we landed, all of the staff there were incredibly welcoming and we were given a sample of delicious Honduran food. Here is where we would learn Spanish for the next week. Soon after each of us were escorted to the homes of our new families that we’d be staying with for the duration of our stay in Santa Lucia.


Nicaragua: Meeting the Nicaraguan volunteers - an international perspective

Last night I found myself surrounded by the Nicaraguan volunteers, awe struck by my inability to fuse a simple rhythm with basic movement of my limbs. Despite step-by-step instructions, my awkward fumblings didn’t come close to Salsa (neither could I consider my Bachata a success). However, it has been a week of encounters just like this that have allowed us to overcome our inhibitions and become closer.


El Salvador: Eco-festival - A day dedicated to the environment and the community

On 7 March 2015, the ICS volunteers working with local organisation ADES held an eco-festival. This activity took place in Casa Comunal of the community of Santa Marta.

This Eco-festival was held with the objective of raising awareness among people in the community about the importance of taking care of and protecting our environment, and also to show how we can re-use and recycle rubbish, like plastic, cans and paper.


London: The dangers of voluntourism and why Progressio does not do it

Over the last few weeks, I have stumbled upon several articles discussing the value (or lack of thereof) of sending young people to volunteer overseas. As an employee of Progressio, an international development charity that sends 18-25 years old to Africa and Central America, I felt I needed to dig into the issue a bit more.


Malawi: Team Dziwe Blog - Tree Planting Awareness Campaign at Ruo River

The Malawian Government has set aside the months of December to April for ‘tree planting season’ in Malawi, so Team Dziwe is not holding back on our tree planting awareness activities!

WESM (Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi) ICS volunteers, together with MMCT (Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust) staff, recently held another tree planting awareness campaign in the area of group village headman Njirambo T/A Mabuka, in the Mulanje district.

