Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

Nicaragua: Personal development

This week, as we are now approaching the end of the cycle I would like to write about one of the key goals of Progressio ICS, personal development. The aim of ICS is not just to help developing countries, but also to mould volunteers into more knowledgeable, globally aware and responsible citizens. In my opinion the greatest personal development amongst the volunteers in terms of knowledge has come from their increased ability to use the Spanish language.


Nicaragua: Progressio ICS mid-term review

In summary, the objective of the mid-term review meeting was more than just a simple opportunity to review the progress of the work done in La Sabanita by group 1 and in the Masaya Volcano National Park, by group 2. We also met to take on board new instructions from our Group Leaders, and put forward our ideas as volunteers.


Honduras: Cooking for our family

Unsurprisingly, one of our main topics of conversation at dinner time with our host family is food, what we like, what we don't like and what types of food are typical to our countries. After one particularly in depth conversation about our favourite foods at home, our mum said jokingly... "So when are you going to cook for us?!" 

She immediately began to laugh, but to her surprise, we replied "How about Saturday evening?" She seemed a little ambivalent to let us loose in her kitchen, but agreed to let us have a go cooking for the family on her traditional Honduran ‘chiminea’! 


Malawi: ICS Malawi Alumni Conference to work on the most top rated SDGs

As the world celebrated International Youth Day on 12 August, all roads led to Mzuzu for a number of Progressio ICS Alumni, who joined their Lattitude counterparts, for the Malawi ICS Alumni Conference, organised by Lattitude Malawi and held in Mzuzu on August 15.


Zimbabwe: Unexpected pleasures

Despite all the planning, research and injections nothing will prepare you for the many firsts you will experience in Zimbabwe. While we have yet to find anything we haven’t enjoyed, or at least been intrigued by, there have still be many times when we’ve given each other reassuring glances or have howled with laughter.


Nicaragua: Children as the protagonists in great stories

Progressio doesn't only leave a better world for children to grow up in, but helps to educate them with the aim of making them better prepared for the world. Progressio ICS volunteers don't want to live without a purpose and for our contributions to be unhelpful. With our commitment to help those in need within our society we have handed out 220 fruit trees to 20 families in the community of La Sabanita. It is hoped that the children who live in these homes will care for them and in a few years time they will bear fruit for them to eat.


Nicaragua: Mr Bottle - Señor Botella

As part of our work in the community we wanted to raise the awareness of recycling at the school of La Sabanita. As around the community there is quite a lot of litter, including plastic bottles. With the recycling facility now in place at the school thanks to the last cycle of ICS volunteers, it is important to get the message across to the children that empty plastic bottles can be put to better use when disposed of in the recycling facility.

